We are leaders in intense sweetener technology, and have been working with them in formulations for
over 20 years.
Correct use of sweeteners is a key to lowering costs in many food products, especially beverages. We can show you how to keep the same taste quality but lower the sugar content in your products.
We have all the intense sweeteners in our portfolio, including newer ones such as stevia and neotame.
And we can advise you on the CODEX-approved levels of these sweeteners, labelling issues, etc.
Sweetener Blends
Our sweetener blends will give you the optimum results in terms of strength, stability and taste at the most affordable price in the international market.
Powdered foods and soft drinks
Toy drinks & ice-lollies
Carbonated soft drinks
Dairy products
Jams and sauces
Canned products
Diet & diabetic products, etc.
Over 20 years of experience in development, technology and quality control will ensure you the best results!